Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Woke up tired this morning and thought "coffee" please but made the luscious lemon water instead. Not the cure for the incessant hammering taking place inside my head. Neither is the 4yo cuddled beside me who has no idea why his mommies may be a bit cranky--thank goodness for Elmo's World. I can't get it together to eat before taking Z to school and lose it on the phone in the car with ATT because they transfer me to Kentucky to repair my phone service! I would have to do more than detox if I had no phone or internet living in Kentucky!! I stop at whole foods on the way home to find gluten free muesli which is impossible without cranberries or some dried fruit or nut--so I come home eons later with some rice cakes and assorted items from the raw section. And a loaf of gluten free bread that can also serve as a dumbbell.


I can see L has already foraged for breakfast as I eye the remnants on the counter upon my return ... banana peel, yogurt container. But she is excited to see what I have discovered in my hunting and gathering mission. I make nonfat greek yogurt (we are supposed to have "live" cultured yogurt but are not in possession of that elusive item as of yet) with banana, gluten free granola and puffed brown rice. And a splash of honey. Delish. I'm hungry. I then find some expired multi-vitamins and have a few for good measure since I'm not sure of my next meal.


Rice crackers with pumpkin seed butter, one of the hunting items. I really liked it despite the ghouly green color. A little sticky to the gums but yummy and satisfying. L said she "doesn't really think she'll be eating much of this". Enough said.


We returned from Home Depot (who doesn't like a good romp around the depot?!!) and are famished. I think just the IDEA I'm on a diet just makes me hungry. L grabs the salad and dover sole leftovers from last night and I'm trying to think about what to concoct while the construction site in my head is building a skyscraper! I decide on the 25 pound bread with goat cheese, fresh basil. lettuce and scallions. I put that in our panini maker (aka "George Forman grill" circa 1999) and voila, a scrumptious (as Z would say) sandwich.

Snack (again):

L and I are working in the bedroom together because we have to hijack a neighbor's signal (what moron doesn't secure his wifi these days??) until "Kentucky" comes to fix ours. I'm not very productive today as I'm tired and the head is not cooperating, teasing me with the mantra "coffee ... coffee". We are in need of sustenance and I return from the kitchen with hummus and mini rice cakes. We devour the entire container. Of both.


While Z is having the delicious turkey meatloaf leftovers, I marinate chicken breasts in lime, cilantro, cumin, chili powder, s&p and jalapeno, make brown rice with chicken stock and carrots and steam some asparagus. I would eat this any night, detox or not. But it's especially delicious tonight.

I'm exhausted but feeling good about the diet.

What I missed today: Ice Cream.

What I'm grateful for today: Love

1 comment:

  1. very, very LOL: + FYI, we ARE eating LIVE cultures..

    delete: 'devour' 'grab' and 'moron'
    keep: LOVE
